Saturday, July 10, 2010

Social and Student Council (10 hours + 4 hours Service) (Term 2 and 3)

During Term 2 where Jo and I were voted in as the President and Vice-President of the Social Council respectively, we have helped to set up various school events such as the annual Singing Bees Contest and Valentines' Day. Both of these events required preparation but more so with Valentines' Day as we had to setup the night before to ensure that the roses were as fresh as they could possibly be, and this took quite a few hours but the surprised and satisfied reactions of the students (with how many roses and chocolates they got) on the Friday made it all worth-while; knowing that we were helping to make the students enjoy the time that they have at ISB as great as possible. In addition, we also jointly run with the General Student Council to better service the students through Sport and Environment activities and drives. Currently, we are also working on smaller scale ideas to tie in with the house-point system that ISB has to make the activities more competitive and enjoyable for everyone. I hope to see the General Council as a whole to keep meeting the needs and wants of the students so that we can provide them with the best opportunities to make school-life more than just the books.

In Term 3, our council took the opportunity to give the students of ISB the most enjoyable activities to take part in. We put on: Breakfast Friday, where we sold breakfast at break time; School Splash, where we hired bouncy castles and slides, and bought water guns for everyone to have a massive water-gun fight; Movie Night for the Year 6s and 7s, this was so that they could bond and allow the Year 6s to feel more comfortable about entering secondary; and Inter-house Basketball Competitions, where teams of Red, Yellow and Blue from each year played each other to become the winners of the junior and senior divisions, and then the overall champion of the school.

I am thoroughly impressed with the effort that we have put into the number and variety of activities that we have held for ISB, and I hope that the students feel the same. Even though we had initial difficulties working together as a team while juggling our demanding schoolwork, we have managed to successfully work together with all of the ideas that we have put forward as a council. I hope that we can continue to work together well so that we can put together an amazing last Term before we hand it over to the year below.

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