Thursday, July 1, 2010

Cricket Training and Matches (42 hours Action + 2 hours Service) (Term 1, 2 and 3)

In addition to being on the basketball team, I am also on the Cricket team of ISB. I newly joined this club in October, 2009 and have been one of the leaders of the team. I genuinely have a love of the game as a whole as watching it on T.V. is a highlight when I visit Australia, and I feel very excited when I play cricket and I already have some amazing memories of our games. At the moment, my bowling is quite good but my batting reactions needs a little practice so that I can stroke the ball and place it where I want on the field. Because of this fact, I have not been able to score high all of the time when batting in matches against our rival school, JIS, because I am more conservative when I play. But sometimes you just need to take a chance when you play as I found that this was when I played best. This is what I am trying to work towards to improve my game so I can further contribute to the team's success in the future.

Near the end of Term 3, our team took part in the Tri-series between ISB, JIS and the Under 19's National Team of Brunei. We played our best and made it into the finals where the scores were tight up until the very end. We won with only 2 overs to spare but it was ISB's day for victory again. I was very impressed by the way that our team played and worked and communicated as a unit, and I hope that we continue to do so in the future. A little while after the conclusion of the series, I wrote up an article with help from my dad and my coach, Faisal, for both of Brunei's newspaper: The Brunei Times and the Borneo Bulletin.

Now, with our vice-captain leaving Brunei and consequently, our team, we will have to find new faces to join our team and this will also require me to take a more leading role in our team as a whole.

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