Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Water-sports (10 hours Action) (Term 1, 2 and 3)

My family and I have recently jointly bought a boat with another family as a consolation for being in Brunei so long (16 years) and because the activity is too expensive to undertake everywhere else in the world. On jointly buying this boat with another of my friend's family, we were now able to enjoy the activities that come with owning a boat. These include boating off to the spit where we have barbeques and surf. In addition, I learnt to kneeboard initially, and then move on to wakeboarding which is similar to surfing in the sense that what you are on is moving as well as your surroundings. Through a little pain at first though, I realised that this used a completely different set of muscles in my body as my thighs and arms usually ache the day after if I do not stretch beforehand.

However, I enjoy the challenge and the work in the learning of a new sport. So far I have managed to stay on for a long period of time once I picked up the knack of the sport after many failed attempt at first to stay on; but I have also managed to successfully pull off a couple of 360's! I have yet to get any serious airtime though; that is proving to be a rather difficult trick and I am working on that at the present time...

I enjoy being outdoors as opposed to doing work all of the time at home as I get the opportunity to take part in enjoyable activities such as this. From having this new leisure option open to me, I have taken full advantage of it in order to try new thrills such as driving the boat, doing water-sports, while enjoying quality time with my family as well as my friend's family.

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