Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Anzac Day Dawn Service: Flag Raising (2 hours Service) (Term 3)

On the 25th of April, I woke up at the ungodly hour of 5 in the morning to drive out to the beach known as Muara Beach. The reason for me being there was to be a part of the ANZAC Day Dawn Service. Even soldiers from the army were brought out to be a part of the service and greatly enhanced the feeling that the service gave. I am very proud of my heritage and as a result, my teacher chose for me to take part in the raising of the Australian flag while my friend, Savannah, did the same for the New Zealand flag. This experience was greatly uplifting as I had never been to a Dawn Service before. What also kept it fun was the fact that I was wearing trousers and a collared shirt, so the sand-flies didn't get the chance to bite me. Not everyone else was so lucky! I am truly gratified that I was chosen to do the honours and I hope that in the future, I am given more opportunities to represent my country.

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