Sunday, February 21, 2010

Surfing (17 hours Action) (Term 1 and 2)

This is yet another sport that I enjoy doing. It is out in the fresh air with the cleansing salt water that is goo for the skin in general. Anyway, surfing is a sport that involves having a large amount of stamina to continue to catch and ride waves. Sadly, surf in Brunei only comes in the months of November - February as this is the time of the monsoon season here in Borneo and as a result, our beaches are opened up to swell and we can then catch waves. The swells can sometimes reach up to a maximum of 8 or 9 feet with the correct conditions and tides. These waves can pose a challenge to catch as they require great precision and skill to ride them so that you do not wipe-out.

However, Brunei's surf is usually a "soft-wave" where the top of the wave rolls on itself instead of breaking cleanly and this makes them harder to catch, but that just means more exercise for us. With that said, the waves can still produce barrels (where you ride inside the wave as it is breaking) but these are easier to catch on a boogie-board instead of a regular surfboard. I am most proficient on a boogie board at the moment but when the next surf period comes around again, I hope to be able to use both boards with ease.

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