Saturday, February 6, 2010

Qatar MUN Conference (20 hours Creative) (Term 2)

On the 27th of January until the 2nd of February, five of my friends, two teachers and I travelled to Dubai and then to Qatar to take part in an international Model United Nations, similar to that of ISB's BGIC. The main reason to participate in something like this is because while I enjoyed organising BGIC, I still wanted to debate and so, this was the perfect opportunity. While we did have a nice little holiday around Qatar, visiting its museums, universities, and seeing the amazing architecture of their buildings.

However, the scale of the debate was the highlight, and the topics that we debated on. I represented the country of Bulgaria and my committee was SPECPOL (special political). We debated the border issue of Pakistan and Afghanistan in addition to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. Both of these topics required me to go away and research them beforehand and provided me with a greater knowledge of the world that I live in. I got a good kick out of debating with a high standard of intellect and was one of the highlights of the year's many events. I enjoy applying my knowledge of the situation to what I and other delegates think could be a possible solution, and working with them opened me up to the many different approaches possible and allowed me to question the validity of them (one delegate suggested re-instating the Taliban as a legitimate Government!).

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