Tuesday, December 1, 2009

General Voluntary School Helping in Various Activities (16 hours total Service) (Term 1)

I helped out in some school events during Term 1. These involve:

Quiz Night Marking
Selling Tickets (Movie Night)
Movie Night
Galilean Nights
Selling Tickets (Disco)
International Day - Haunted House and Primary Area

Quiz Night is another annual competition where all years of our school (including the teachers) come together to compete to take home the trophies of the junior and senior division. On the actual night of the event, I took part with some of my friends to mark the answers that the different groups had put in.

Selling Ticket for Movie Night in addition to organising it was good preparation for joining the student council in terms of the organisation factor and gave me a feel of what was required of me and all of the different things that have to be taken care of for something as usual as a Movie Night. This was also similar for selling tickets for the end of year social (that had to be postponed).

Galilean Nights was a night held by the Physics department to celebrate the discoveries of Galileo and all other astronomers. The school had many activities on offer that involved watching the stars and even the moons of Jupiter with the powerful telescopes that the Brunei Astronomical Department had! There were also star maps in some of the rooms but we mainly helped out in showing the younger children how to do some of the activities involving light and mirrors to make them start to appreciate the wonders of the world and space. I felt that I got what I put into this night. I really enjoyed working with the children and helping them to learn and in the process, learned a little bit about myself - I am pretty good with children.

Finally, I helped out on yet another of ISB's fun family days. On International Day, there are many games, puzzles, activities, contests and performances, you name it, ISB does it! I helped to organise the Primary Performance Area where we showcased a few talents of the student including singing, dancing and other things. In addition, I helped out with the setup and preparation of the junior haunted house. All of this took a while but again, I took alot out of the fact that the children all had a wonderful time on the day that we helped to prepare.

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